Coastal Meadow Mix


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Coastal Meadow Mix (SCM7)

For areas close to the sea, this mix provides a selection of salt and wind tolerant annual, biennial and perennial wildflowers and grasses that enjoy open conditions on well drained sites. There are 21 wildflower & 5 grass species in this mix. Mix as PDF

3g / m2
(12kg / acre)
(30kg / hectare)
Species Common name %


% wildflowers  
Anthyllis vulneraria (FIND OUT MORE)
Kidney Vetch 2
Armeria maritima (FIND OUT MORE)
Thrift 0.3
Campanula glomerata (FIND OUT MORE)
Clustered Bellflower 0.5
Centaurea nigra Common Knapweed 2.7
Cochlearia danicus Scurvy Grass 0.1
Echium vulgare (FIND OUT MORE)
Viper’s Bugloss 2
Galium verum (FIND OUT MORE)
Lady’s Bedstraw 1
Helianthemum nummularium (FIND OUT MORE)
Rock Rose 0.3
Hypochaeris radicata Cats Ear 0.5
Liguisticum scoticum Scots Lovage 1
Lotus corniculatus (FIND OUT MORE)
Birdsfoot Trefoil 0.1
Papaver rhoeas (FIND OUT MORE)
Corn Poppy 2
Plantago maritima Sea Plantain 0.5
Primula veris (FIND OUT MORE)
Cowslip 1
Rhinanthus minor (FIND OUT MORE)
Yellow Rattle 1
Scorzoneroides autumnalis Autumn Hawkbit 0.5
Silene dioica (FIND OUT MORE)
Red Campion 1
Silene latifolia (FIND OUT MORE)
White Campion 1
Silene uniflora (FIND OUT MORE)
Sea Campion 1
Solidago virgaurea Golden Rod 0.5
Tripleurospermum maritimum Sea Mayweed 1.1


% grasses
Agrostis capillaris Common Bent (c) 10
Alopecurus pratensis Meadow Foxtail (c) 3
Cynosurus cristatus Crested Dog’s Tail (c) 19
Festuca rubra commutata Chewings Fescue (c) 33
Poa pratensis Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass (c) 15

(c) all of the wildflowers in our mixes are wild origin but sometimes the native grasses in our mixes are cultivated origin – these will be marked with ‘(c)’

Additional information

Weight N/A
site type

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