Lady’s Bedstraw


seed packet

SKU: 1019 Categories: ,


Lady’s Bedstraw (Galium verum)

Common throughout Scotland in meadows, verges & sand dunes. The narrow leaves & small golden-yellow flowers produced from June to August give this plant a fine, delicate appearance. Its  various  Scots, Gaelic & English names reflect its numerous uses as a rennet, strewing herb & red dye. Up to 60cm tall.

Sowing:  Can be sown at any time of year but best in early autumn or spring. Sow in trays or pots of moist compost and transplant to an open, sunny, well drained site or scatter seed directly on to a fine-raked seed bed, firming down well. Water well and keep young plants weeded.

500-800 seeds per packet Flowers Jul-Aug. Perennial

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Additional information

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