Pond Edge Mix


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Pond Edge Mix (SCF16)

For marshy conditions or water margins, these wildflowers provide interest & colour around the edges of ponds. Adding appropriate native plants around ponds will encourage pond-dwellers like toads, frogs, newts & dragonflies. There are 21 native Scottish wildflower species in this mix. Mix as PDF.

SOWING RATE: 2g / m2
(8kg / acre, 20kg / hectare)
Species Common name %


% wildflowers  
Achillea ptarmica (FIND OUT MORE)
Sneezewort 13
Angelica sylvestris Angelica 2
Caltha palustris (FIND OUT MORE)
Marsh Marigold 1
Carex leporina Oval sedge 2
Carex paniculata Greater Tussock Sedge 7
Carex pendula Pendulous Sedge 7
Cirsium palustre (FIND OUT MORE)
Marsh Thistle 3
Comarum palustre Marsh Cinquefoil 2
Filipendula ulmaria (FIND OUT MORE)
Meadowsweet 17
Geum rivale (FIND OUT MORE)
Water Avens 7
Hypericum tetrapterum Square stemmed St John’s wort 4
Iris pseudacorus (FIND OUT MORE)
Yellow Flag Iris 10
Lotus pedunculatus Greater Trefoil 1
Lythrum salicaria (FIND OUT MORE)
Purple Loosestrife 7
Mentha aquatica Water Mint 1
Myosotis scorpioides Water Forget me not 2
Ranunculus flammula Spearwort 1
Silene flos-cuculi (FIND OUT MORE)
Ragged Robin 5
Stachys palustris (FIND OUT MORE)
Marsh Woundwort 1
Valeriana officinalis (FIND OUT MORE)
Valerian 6
Veronica beccabunga Brooklime 1


Additional information

Weight N/A
site type



wildlife benefit