Ragged Robin


seed packet

SKU: 1032 Categories: ,


Ragged Robin (Silene flos-cuculi)

A perennial wildflower of damp meadows & hedgerows throughout Scotland. Its pink flowers, produced in July & August, have deeply divided petals which gives them a distinctive ragged appearance. It grows up to 70cm tall & is ideal for open or partly shaded sites in moist soil, including pond-edges & wetlands.

Sowing: Can be sown at any time of year, but best in early autumn or in spring. Sow in trays or pots of moist compost and transplant to a lightly shaded or open site that does not dry out or sow directly onto the surface of a fine-raked seed bed, pressing down lightly. Keep young plants watered & weeded.

1000+ seeds per packet.

Additional information

flower colour

flowering period

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plant height