Scots Pine


seed packet

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Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

A common sight across Europe, Scots Pines are a key part of the ancient Caledonian forests, fragments of which survive with their ancient ‘granny pines’ & from where this seed is collected. Traditionally pines had many uses, including for lighting, medicine & varnish. When young they also make good Christmas trees. Scot’s Pines grow up to 25m tall in unshaded sites on neutral to acid soils.

Our seeds are collected from native Caledonian forests.

Sowing: Sow thinly into trays of moist compost, cover lightly & if sowing in autumn put outside in a sheltered place over winter. At other times of year put the tray inside a plastic bag & put in the fridge for 4 weeks, then put outside. Seedlings can be transplanted out in their second year.

• 50-100 per packet