

seed packet

SKU: 1008 Categories: ,


Cowslip (Primula veris)

A spring flowering perennial found in Scotland  only in base-rich meadows and pastures, mainly in the south-east. It has clustered of deep yellow flowers at the top of stems up to 20cm tall, flowering in April and May. It has many traditional medicinal uses.

Sowing:  these seeds need a cold treatment before they will grow. Sow in autumn directly into a fine raked seed bed, firming down well for germination the next spring or sow at any time of year in a tray of damp compost, place the tray in a fridge for 6 to 8 weeks then put the tray in a warm place until the seedlings appear. Transplant the seedlings outside when big enough to handle and keep young plants weeded.

  • 30 cm
  • 200-400 seeds per packet

We currently have a special winter offer that includes Cowslip – click here to find out more

Additional information

flower colour

flowering period

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plant height